Monday, December 5, 2011

Hold On!

 "1Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:1-2 (ESV)

Attrition warfare is a military strategy in which one side tries to win a battle by causing their enemy to surrender by causing them continuous losses. The goal of attrition warfare is to cause one's opponent to lose so much in resources, so much in personnel and so much in morale that the enemy has no choice but to give but to give up the battle and surrender. Attrition warfare is different in that the victory normally goes to the side that has the ability to endure the attrition the longest and I've discovered that sometimes the battles of our lives are wars of attrition; times where the enemy tries to wear us down with the pressures and the cares of life.

Someone reading this may feel as if you are in a war of Attrition. You may feel as if over the course of your life that you've lost so much that in order to survive you're going to have to surrender to the devil and walk away from the destiny that God has declared over your life. The truth of the matter is, after the hell that you've had to deal with you don't have much fight left in you. You've been dealing with the cares of life and trying to keep your head above water but it still seems like you're about to drown under all of the hell you've had to handle; however, in spite of the trouble you've had to navigate through, the beauty of the battle that we as believers fight is that our victory is not based on our own strength but rather our victory is determined by our ability to hold on to our faith in God!

God has a plan of victory and an awesome destiny for your life and the enemy knows that the only way he can keep you from reaching the destiny that God has for you is by causing you to give up by sending trouble into your life, but God has given us principles that we can use to help us hold on to our faith and win life's war of attrition.

  1. First, we have to "Look at God's Track Record": Remember what God has done not just in your life but also in the lives of others around you and use God's history to increase your faith. If God has ever made a way he can make one again. If God has ever healed he can heal again. If God has ever fixed it he can fix it again and by looking at what he's already done you can gain faith in your current situation. God's track record is undeniable proof that he is able to deliver out of every situation and I can use the proof to stimulate endurance in the face of my trials.
  2. Second, we have to "Submit like Jesus": Jesus was able to endure the cross of Calvary and submit to God even in the midst of His suffering and if we're going to be able to HOLD ON we have to use Christ's example and learn how to look past our pain and submit to the will of God no matter how uncomfortable it may be. By fully submitting to the will of God, you show God that you are matured and ready to exit your trial.
  3. Finally, we have to "Understand that God is in Control": No matter how hard the circumstances of life might be we have to remember that there is never a situation that God is unaware of. God has orchestrated the events of your life and whatever you're going through it's going to work for your good even if it doesn't feel good while it's working. Because of the Love God has for us, we have to remember that everything that God allows is for our benefit, so that we can be all that God has called us to be.

Life is never simple, and a few principles can never solve EVERY problem, but it is my prayer that this post helps you as you fight the devil in life's war of attrition. Remember that God has a victorious track record and that he is able to deliver you from the attack of the enemy. You don't have to fight, all you have to do is hold on and trust in God because He's worthy to be trusted.

Grace and Peace, and remember, "No matter what you're going through, there is a WORD from the LORD!"

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