Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why Did I Get Married? (A MUST READ!!!)

I don't consider myself an expert on anything ESPECIALLY MARRIAGE but as I look around me and I see how lightly people take this union, I wanted to clarify why I decided to take the plunge and marry Teresa, my best friend.

A little less than I year ago I promised a woman that I would get myself together and that I would marry her before the end of 2011. She was prepared to take me as I was; broke, unemployed, depressed but I was determined to give her the BEST ME that I could. I saved every dime I could and bought her a promise ring, and then I filled out 50 job applications a day, and had at least 3 interviews a week until I got a STABLE JOB and could support her like she had supported me. Not because she fussed at me about not having a job, not because she pressured me to help her, as a matter of fact, she never said anything to me about it because she never had to. I worked hard because she was worth it to me.

After that, I prayed and sought counsel so that I could be spiritually ready for the commitment I was going to make and once I was certain I replaced the Promise Ring with an Engagement Ring, then in less than 30 days we were married. I kept my promise to her and I have kept every promise that I've ever made to her because REAL MEN KEEP THEIR WORD TO THEIR WOMAN. I got married because I love Teresa Tramayne Eggerson. I love her because no matter how low I was, no matter what lies she heard, she stood by me and loved me through and because of that love I am committed to loving her for the rest of her life. No matter who I meet, no matter what fights we have or physical changes might happen, in her I am content. My eyes no longer wander, and my passion is for her alone.

I see now why my parents told me that marriage is "More than a notion" it has to be more than a feeling, it can't be coerced or forced, it has to be willing, genuine and authentic for it to be long-lasting, you can't have a backup plan and failure can't be an option. I'm sure that's why Paul equates marriage between man and a woman like the relationship between Christ and His church. You have to be willing to abandon comfort, abandon position, abandon social status and risk it all, give it all, share it all so that the two can become one.

Why did I get married? I got married because when I'm with Teresa, I get a revelation of the limitless Love of God, I can feel the love that God showed when he gave us Jesus to cover our sins. I got married because my wife loves me like Jesus, she covered my faults and saw the best in me, and loved me until the man she saw in her heart became the man she saw in front of her. I got married because in Teresa is God's proof to me that God STILL gives second chances, that he doesn't care about the mistakes that you made if you love Him, He will send you exactly what you need even if you don't deserve it. I got married because when I said "I do" I was really telling God "Thank You." thank you for getting me through the worst season of my life and showing me that my best days are ahead.

I think that anyone that's considering marriage should remember that you're not getting married to a "Hope" to a possibility that things may get better, but rather ask yourself, "If things stayed just as they are, if this person never changed, could I live this way forever?" and if the answer is no then you should pray for direction. God never puts you with someone so that you can change them but when Eve was presented to Adam she was already suitable for him and no changes needed to be made. I believe this is the case when we find our mates today, they will already be prepared to love us even if they don't know it and no changes will have to be forced but we will "Fit Together" and over time the fit will get better and better. Marriage will not mature a person, it will just show what maturity is or is not there. Marriage does not create love it just shows what love, if any, is there already. Love is not an emotion but love is a decision not based on feeling and not made lightly, it is made by faith and by trust. You can't love without God because God is love.

Marriage is not a fad, or a move that you make for attention but it is the most sacred of covenants blessed are the ones who marry the "Right Way" blessed are the ones who know that they're not ready to marry, and blessed are those who know that marriage is not for them. Be blessed my friends and remember God won't honor any relationship that doesn't honor him.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Joshua Eggerson

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